Top 5 Latest Strategies That Help Rank Your Website in SERPs in 2019

Traffic is key when it comes to e-commerce. Considering that search engines are the major sources of traffic, it will be good for you to make your website search engine oriented.

Search engine result pages (SERP) are not just manufactured out of the blue. Search engines consider a number of factors before ranking a website as a result whatever the position it takes in the search engine ranks. It is necessary that web operators know the factors that are affecting the manner in which the website pages are ranked. Unless you are employing the services of an seo agency like PROGOSTECH, it is necessary that you have the basic knowledge of how the internet works if you want to operate your website successfully. Knowledge of seo, image optimization, magento development, etc. is of importance.

Having a website takes a combination of knowledge and dedication. This article will give you the Top 5 Latest Strategies That Help Rank Your Website in SERPs in 2018.


This is more like an eternal factor and will still be important as long as search engines still maintain their level of relevance. This is as important as having quality and relevant content on your website. Using the wrong set of keywords or improper format of keywords could cost you some amount of traffic. There are some contents that are best suited to long-tailed keywords while some are not. Knowing when and where to use keywords is key for a higher SERPs ranking. It is for you to decide to use the most searched keywords, long tailed keywords, etc. What matters most however is your ability to make the most of your keywords?

SERP's Rank Checker

One way to improve on the quality of your website is to know its present state. This is usually in form of an evaluation or audit. Most web operators usually go for a general website score to serve as an audit for their website. However, SERP's rank checker will show you how each of your webpage is faring. This will inform you if you need to improve a particular webpage instead of the entire website.

Quality Content

This is a very important feature that could help increase your rank in SERP. There is no substitute for quality content. This is the lifeline of virtually every website. The contents of a website will determine if the website will be labeled boring or interactive. This is one reason why most marketers place high value on content. The best way to keep your website going is to update quality, relevant and useful content.

These days, it takes more than just any backlink to improve the ranking of your website on serp. Having a quality website or blog directing people back to your website is healthy for your website. You can easily run a report using the SEMrush Backlink Checker. You should also review your social media presence and how much it is helping to drive your brand.

Promote speed

One way to do this is by making less and promoting more. The more the content on your website, the longer your page takes to load. Individuals tend to see content as the written piece of information. Content in the light of truth, comprises of everything on your website that is used to pass across information on your website that will engage your web visitors. In other words, content also composes of images and the more images on your website the longer your website will take to load. When using images, ensure that they are optimized and every image is serving a purpose.

Operating a website is usually more technical than it made to look. However, it is not as difficult as it is sometimes painted to be. With the right amount of information, you will be able to successfully operator and interactive and engaging website with minimum assistance.

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Author: Rachel StinsonWebsite:
SEO content marketing

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